

Tabulas Boarding Station
Dock 4
August 19, 2501

     Tightly I clung to him. I could not soften my embrace. I felt as if I was losing him forever.
    "I won't be gone long." Zario whispered into my ear.
    "That is what all of the men say." I replied, my voice shaking with sobs.
    Zario reared back and stared into my fierce, crystal blue eyes. He raised a gloved palm and caressed my tear streaked cheek.
      "Octavia, my love, know not that when I make a promise, I cannot break it?"
     "But I have seen too many wives lose their husbands already." I protested, staring back into his deep hazel eyes. A tear slowly slid from my eyes.
    Zario smiled weakly. "But their promises are not like my promises. My promises are eternal..." He took my soft, creamy hands into his. "...our love is eternal."
   Our foreheads were pressed against each others. He released my hands and gently held my head against his.
   "Be strong for me, Octavia." he whispered. My legs grew suddenly weak.

    Just as the Uni-fleet alarm thundered around us, signaling soldiers to say their last words and board the massive spacecraft, Zario leaned in to give me one final kiss. It was a fierce, passionate kiss, rendering the memories of every passion filled moment we had ever shared with one another. I grew dizzy, overwhelmed by the memories that swayed and spun like clouds of dust around us. I returned the kiss with fervor and zeal, wishing that this moment would not have to end. For on this day I was losing my beloved. My darling husband of just one year was embarking on a long, tedious journey to fight in the war of the Universe.
    Every planet from the warm, sunny Zoar to the cold and icy planet Gael; one hundred and three planets were in war with one another. The Uni-fleet, or the United Universe Fleet, were combined peace corp fleets from every planet. The Uni-fleet's sole mission was to keep peace and harmony amongst the planets. I know Zario was implored to help carry out the Uni-fleet's mission, but why must he have to cast aside the mission of 'us' to commence in such a dreadful and dangerous trek? It did not make sense to me, my mind could not fathom the reasons why he would leave me and his family to protect such a vast frontier.

    I watched with clouded vision as Zario ascended the passage dock that led into the massive ship. My heart ached and began to rent in twain. Before he disappeared into the depths of the ship, he turned and waved his last goodbye.
    "I love you." he mouthed silently. My tears flowed freely as I waved and whispered, "I love you too."
   The words choked; I was barely able to whisper them. Oh how I longed to run and board the ship with him. I would fight and die alongside my lover, my dove, my husband. But I knew that could never be so. While some planets allowed females to fight in the Uni-fleet, Zoar, my native home planet forbade it. The law strictly prohibited females from fighting in the fleet. I knew my place, as a feeble female, was to stay home, safe and protected. If only I could be with my Zario though.

   "Be strong." whispered Zario. I could tell that he was fighting the urge to shed tears as well. I nodded though unsure of my own ability to be strong and courageous in such a time as this.
   I closed my eyes, blinking away the tears that blurred my vision. When I reopened them, Zario was gone.

Written by Hannah Owens ©